Rob Lutes
Rob Lutes
Saturday 26 April 18:32
The Bravest Birds est une exquise collection de chansons se trouvant aux intersections du blues, du folk et de l’Americana, un univers musical qui sied particulièrement bien à la chaude et rocailleuse voix de Lutes.
Rob Lutes is a soulful singer-songwriter from Montreal with an ever-growing collection of literate, moving meditations on life and love.
Rob Lutes is widely known for his superb songwriting, fingerstyle mastery and soulful vocals. With The Bravest Birds, he delivers an exquisite collection of songs that inhabits the intersection of blues, Americana and the contemporary singer-songwriter genres and includes the blazing instrumental Turning Point.
Centre d'art de Richmond
1010, rue Principale NordRichmond J0B 2H0
Centre d'art de Richmond
Richmond J0B 2H0
Phone 819.826.2488 Contact info
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